Primary education
The greatest value in our school is the child. Therefore, we strive to create the most favorable learning environment to foster child’s individuality. One of the primary goals of the school is not only good learning outcomes, but also the desire for every student to succeed in learning, to advance and develop their research, artistic, cognitive, social, communication and other skills.
The school has classes where students learn in English. This class is for students who do not speak in Lithuanian and want to master the curriculum in English. The native Lithuanian speakers with strong command of English can also join these classes.
The school provides a bilingual education program: Mathematics and Science are integrated with English and given in the afternoon activities (clubs). Depending on the students' personal qualities and learning motivation, the lessons are differentiated and individualized.
The foreign students who wish to learn Lithuanian and get integrated into Lithuanian classes, can have extra Lithuanian lessons with individualized learning program.
After lesson time, students have the opportunity to do their homework in the classroom. The class teacher provides extra assistance and support for students in need.